Acumatica ERP Implementation Process
The Acumatica cloud ERP implementation process has the common software implementation steps but is much quicker than the competition since the Acumatica cloud ERP has such powerful configuration and customization features, and since it is a true cloud ERP.
The involvement of the right people at the right time is the most important key factor for success.
A general description of the Acumatica cloud ERP implementation process is given here.
A step by step description can be viewed as follows:
Pre-step A: Get leadership and IT buy-in
Pre-step B: Make your ERP selection
Step 1: Choose your deployment option
Step 2: Assemble your implementation team
Step 3: Define your requirements
Step 4: Develop a Project Plan
Step 5: Migrate your data
Step 6: Develop a Test Plan
Step 7: Develop a Training Plan
Step 8: Going live
You can view the details of each step at the Acumatica blog post .