Acumatica Manufacturing Edition
The Acumatica Manufacturing Edition is targeted to discrete manufacturing companies that handle make to stock, make to order, configure to order, engineer to order, machine/job shops and project centric shops. The edition includes production planning and management. The production planning enables you to build multilevel Bill of Materials (BOM), and a master production schedule/plan, and run the Materials Requirements Planning (MRP). The MRP will indicate which materials need to be purchased at what date so that there is no shortage of them when a production run takes place. It also will roll up the projected costs of labor, material, machine usage and tools so that you will have a cost estimate for the production run. The production management enables you to capture the actual usage of labor time, material, machine capacity, and tools. Advanced features include a product configurator that lets you choose options (eg. color, size, .) for a product, and create a BOM. Other advanced features are a product estimator, and advanced scheduling and planning. A project can be set up to manage a production run, which is very useful when you have make to order or engineer to order sales orders/work orders.
The video (10 mins, 2/2020) demonstrates the main features of the Acumatica Manufacturing Edition. To see it in a full screen, click here.
The video (50 mins, 2018) demonstrates the main features of the Acumatica Manufacturing Edition
The Powerpoint slides explain the steps taken in the video at the left.
Manufacturing Methods
Discrete manufacturers may use one or more manufacturing methods such as make to stock, make to order, configure to order, engineer to order, machine/job shops and project centric shop. These methods are described below.
Make To Stock (MTS)
A discrete manufacturer which manufactures consumer kitchenware such as food processors, food mixers and coffee makers will use the make to stock manufacturing method to manufacture those products ahead of sales orders and stock them.
The impact of this method is explained here.
Make To Order (MTO)
A discrete manufacturer which manufactures products such as office lighting set ups, custom kitchen tops, and custom furniture will use the make to stock manufacturing method to manufacture those products based on the specs in the sales order
The impact of this method is explained here
Configure to Order (CTO)
A discrete manufacturer which manufactures products such as computers, VoIP systems, and 3D printers will use the configure to order manufacturing method to manufacture those products based on the specs in the sales order, and to configure them.
The impact of this method is explained here.
Engineer to Order (ETO)
A discrete manufacturer which manufactures products such as industrial equipment such as warehouse conveyors, packaging machines, custom machines will use the engineer to order manufacturing method to engineer and manufacture those products based on the specs in the sales order.
The impact of this method is explained here.
Machine/Job shop
- A discrete manufacturer which manufactures products such as coils, wires and springs will use the machines shop manufacturing method to manufacture those products based on the specs in the sales order.
The impact of this method is explained here.
Project Manufacturing
A discrete manufacturer which manufacturers a large boat, an airplane, a trade exhibition booth, a custom large equipment or a large data center, will use the project manufacturing method.
The impact of this method is explained here.
Hybrid Manufacturing: MTS and MTO
A discrete manufacturer may use both MTS and MTO manufacturing management types
The impact of this method is explained here
Batch or Lot Manufacturing
- A discrete manufacturer which manufacturers a batch or lot quantity of eg. a food product very month or week, will use the batch or lot manufacturing method.
- The impact of this method is explained here
The MTO, Assemble To Order and MTS manufacturing methods are compared below.
The images display which tasks have still to be done when a customer sales order arrives. Although the Assemble To Order has not been discussed yet, this manufacturing method can also be managed by the Acumatica Manufacturing Management application.

The Acumatica Manufacturing Edition consists of the following main suites and features:
Acumatica ERP Foundation Suites:
Specific discrete manufacturing features covered by:
The Standard Manufacturing Edition
During the planning stage of manufacturing:
Bill of Material (BOM) that contains for each finished good the parts and subassemblies that are needed to make that finished good.
Master Production Scheduling enables the plant manager to schedule when certain finished goods will be produced, and in which quantities based on current and future sales orders, and on current and future stock of finished goods.
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) that calculates the quantities of parts and sub assemblies needed to make a certain amount of finished good based on the Master Production Schedule, the BOM, the Reorder Point and the Order Quantity of the finished good and its materials/components, and on current and future purchase order receipts of materials, The MRP will list which subassemblies need to be manufactured, which materials need to be purchased, and how much and when they need to be manufactured or purchased. It does not consider production capacity constraints regarding labor and machines. The Advanced Planning and Scheduling will take care of those constraints.
During the actual manufacturing:
Production Management captures the actual labor and machine time spent at each workcenter/step that is needed to manufacture a finished good. Also it captures the quantity of parts and subassemblies used, as well the quantity and cost of finished goods manufactured.
Click here to learn more.​
The Advanced Manufacturing Edition consists of:
The Standard Manufacturing Edition and the following additional features:
During the planning stage of manufacturing
Product Configurator that enables you to select characteristics of a finished good such as eg shoe size, color, gender, etc.
Estimator that enables you to build a BOM, to specify costs for the parts and quantity of a finished good to provide an estimate to manufacture a certain quantity of finished good.
Advanced Scheduling which is finite scheduling based on machine and labor capacity.
Engineering Change Orders that enables engineers to submit an Change Order Request, get it approved to make a Change Order, get the Change Order approved to change the BOM, get it approved, and update the BOM.
Click here to learn more.​
Customer Success Stories
We have many successful implementations of the Acumatica Manufacturing Edition at discrete manufacturers. Some of them are:
Emery Winslow Scale Company
OFSi provides premium products required in the oil and gas industry, specifically for horizontal shale drilling. The company also sells services such as pipe inspection, pipe storage, accessories, field services, and rig returns. OFSi is known worldwide for its pipe threading, which includes manufacturing of premium couplings... Lean more.​
Specifiied Technologies Inc. ​
Fire-Protection Innovator STI FireStop Plans for Growth with Acumatica Cloud ERP. Learn more.​
Emery Winslow Scale Company Success Story
The Emery Winslow Scale Company manufacture scales for weighing trucks, sea animals and durable goods.
Their requirements were as follows:
Manufacturing process types:
Make to order​
Make to stock
Engineer to order
Easy BOM creation​
Detailed costing of finished goods
Managing two companies with one ERP, and solid accounting consolidation​
Acumatica solution​​
Acumatica Manufacturing Edition
Added the product configurator which:​
Creates a BOM on the fly​
Enables to create a Sales Order quickly with item specifics such as scale max weight capacity, scale size, etc.
The video (55 mins, 4/2020) below will give you a customer testimonial and a sales demo.